Back by popular demand - Parfum JulieBontiér Available to Order Now!


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Parfum JulieBontiér is a unique fragrance experience, just as unique as you are. Elegant, uplifting, royal Jasmine flowers with rich, floral blends of rose in earthy herbal tones. Parfum inspired by Julie’s Angels for YOU. 

WHAT IS IT? Parfum JulieBontiér marries together perfume oils and energy ingredients, including a light-reflecting lithium based mineral energized with the revolutionary Tachyon Energy crystal. This unique fragrance blend transforms into your personalized signature scent as it attunes with your energy on all levels, everyday. It is a catalyst for emotional balance spiritually, mentally and physically.


WHAT WILL IT DO? Parfum JulieBontiér opens and magnifies the light-body spiritual essence that is your higher-self aspect. It clears the chakras to align you with your Angels and vitalize your complete energy. Utilize Parfum JulieBontiér to attune, open and align your energies with your Angels, mate or even a business associate.

Parfum JulieBontiér contains Tachyon Energy that energizes the mood-centering benefits of lithium. The Tachyon Energy amplifies the transformative experience of the balancing, yet uplifting, qualities of the lithium mineral. Lithium is an alkali element present in every cell of your body and necessary for balanced health. Science has discovered Tachyon Energy is an organizing force field that diminishes chaos by increasing order, i.e. peace and harmony. Tachyon Energy resonates to love enabling one to spiritually rise above human limitations and experience a sense of well-being.

WHY IS IT UNIQUE? Science is discovering how fragrance activates mood-enhancing centers in the brain, causing emotional stimulation, and positive transformational life experiences. Shake vigorously to amplify the special energy ingredients before applying to attune with your Angels. Within a few seconds, Parfum JulieBontiér creates an uplift or rises, to align all levels of your body’s energy. It harmonizes with your energy throughout the day, becoming your personalized signature scent.

Parfum JulieBontiér can be used when feeling the need for self-understanding or to understand others. Parfum JulieBontiér is great when feeling closed off from your own emotions, your Angelic Counsel or others you may care about. In those times when feeling lonely, or slightly depressed, Parfum JulieBontiér can lift your spirits and open you to more joy and compatibility with others.

The effects of Parfum JulieBontiér are heightened when applying directly to your chakras to open and clear their energies. Apply before sleep to increase relaxing dreams and a deeper night’s sleep. Later, save the Tachyon crystal in your wallet for extra abundance. Use the Tachyon Energy crystal to increase positive energy wherever you need it.

Parfum JulieBontiér Ingredients: Pure concentrated blends of floral and herbal perfume oils, a Mineral composite containing 96% lithium, a Tachyon Energy crystal, USDA Certified Organic and Kosher Certified Safflower oil.

Parfum JulieBontiér is free of these harmful ingredients. DPG solvent free, Phthalate free, Alcohol free, Dye free, No animal testing.



New Genesis Applications of Parfum JulieBontiér

As the Inter-Dimensional veils are opening, immense light is intensifying your possibilities for personal transformative self-realizations. Parfum JulieBontiér opens, aligns, and attunes you with your Angels and the higher energies of light. This fragrance compliments and accelerates your personal transformation of Heaven on Earth.

Absolutely enjoy the fresh and beautiful Parfum JulieBontiér fragrance as pure perfume that aligns with your body’s energy to become your signature scent. This fragrance transforms to align with you everyday!

Each individual experience of Parfum JulieBontiér is unique. Applications of the fragrance are offered by the Angels to open your chakras to align with your goals and intentions. Even if you are not a perfume lover, try wearing Parfum JulieBontiér to bed in one of the suggested areas given by the Angels. Exciting recent user feedbacks are highlighting these new experiential breakthroughs. 

These are the Angels’ recommendations for the Parfum JulieBontiér Experience:

1. Relationship blockages or intentions:  Apply between breasts or in the mid section of chest. Also apply at the base of the skull. Base of the skull is the gateway of Heaven or the area of karmic memories and energy patterns. Always apply at the base of your skull if you feel you are clearing something from your past, or if unclear what exactly is trying emotionally surface. If you choose to slow down the pace of your spiritual awakening and transformative experiences, avoid placing at the base of the skull for awhile.

2. Feeling unsafe, insecure or uncertain in your environments: Apply around the navel area. If these feelings are also associated with a person in your immediate environment, indicating karma, apply at the base of your skull.

3. Apply before sleep if feeling stuck with a life pattern of energy or behavior. Apply to the top of head/crown chakra to unblock and release negative energies through your dream state when the ego is disabled. Observe new opportunities opening up that are in alignment with your goals. 

4. Receiving more abundance and money: Apply to inner left palm to receive more abundance. Apply on the top of left palm to receive larger lump sums of money. Apply to the inner left wrist to stabilize receiving steady amounts of money flow. If you sense your receptivity or block to receiving money is connected to past life experiences, apply to the base of the spine, the base of your skull and the navel area before sleep. 

5. Any type of discomfort, or anxiety: Apply to the top of the crown area of head, around navel area, base of spine and base of skull. 

6. Extreme PMS symptoms of discomfort: Apply to top of the crown, third eye area, navel area and the base of the spine.

7. Performance anxiety in career or difficulty in going to the next level, or feeling stuck in your career: Apply to all left hand areas: top of left hand, inner left wrist and left palm. Apply to base of skull, and the base of the spine especially before sleep.

8. Balance and comfort in making decisions: Apply on both sides of neck and behind ears.

9. For profound dreams, and to align and attune with your Angels: Apply to the crown chakra on the top middle of head.

10. To see more clearly: Apply in the 3rd eye area. 

11. To remember your higher purpose and also to communicate more honestly withintention: Apply in the throat chakra area.

— Shake vigorously before using —